The Art of the Loan.

Most people are not aware of an investment capable of yielding great profits while also featuring a high level of securement. This under the radar investment option is called Alternative Funding, or Real Estate Lending. Up till now it’s been a game for banks and hedge funds but as the banks have gotten pickier it has opened the door for you to grow your net worth. Now with easy access to information via the web, you can evaluate real estate with the click of a button. Yes, an inspection of the real estate is mandatory but with companies, such as Gravity Capital doing the leg work, real estate lending has never been easier.


Let’s consider a few examples:

Take Mike for example. He has been participating in secured loans with Gravity Capital since 2012. In 4 years of investing retirement funds for an oil and gas company Mike’s company has made over $765,000.00 on investments of approximately $1,000,000.00. Showing an average annualized return of 34.2%.

Then there is Mark, who has participated with Gravity Capital in lending up to $500,000.00 in 4 loans over the past three years. Marks average return was 43.1% annually. He has made over $110,000.00 in the last three years.

Join Us Today

Participating in Real Estate Lending has never been easier. With the advent of internet tools you can see your property and obtain price evaluation in a shorter amount of time than ever before. Gravity Capital President and Founder Dave Knudson  insists that “If you do your due diligence and don’t lend more than 50% of the value of your collateral you can more often than not safely make double digit returns.”

Learn more today!

Download  “The Art of The Loan” written by Dave Knudsen. The short book details his career highlighting the most important principles for those starting out in the real estate industry.

by Bryce Svenson